To do this experiment,just you need an webcam and matlab2012a or 2012b
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Now we are gonna do live motion detection,the below live detection code is not written by me,i got it from this link
vidDevice = imaq.VideoDevice('winvideo', 1, 'YUY2_640x480', ...
'ROI', [1 1 640 480], ...
'ReturnedColorSpace', 'rgb');
optical = vision.OpticalFlow('OutputValue', 'Horizontal and vertical components in complex form');
maxWidth = imaqhwinfo(vidDevice,'MaxWidth');
maxHeight = imaqhwinfo(vidDevice,'MaxHeight');
shapes = vision.ShapeInserter;
shapes.Shape = 'Lines';
shapes.BorderColor = 'Custom';
shapes.CustomBorderColor = [255 0 0];
r = 1:5:maxHeight;
c = 1:5:maxWidth;
[Y, X] = meshgrid(c,r);
hVideoIn = vision.VideoPlayer;
hVideoIn.Name = 'Original Video';
hVideoIn.Position = [30 100 640 480];
hVideoOut = vision.VideoPlayer;
hVideoOut.Name = 'Motion Detected Video';
hVideoOut.Position = [700 100 640 480];
nFrames = 0;
while (nFrames < Inf)
rgbData = step(vidDevice);
optFlow = step(optical,rgb2gray(rgbData));
optFlow_DS = optFlow(r, c);
H = imag(optFlow_DS)*50;
V = real(optFlow_DS)*50;
lines = [Y(:)'; X(:)'; Y(:)'+V(:)'; X(:)'+H(:)'];
rgb_Out = step(shapes, rgbData, lines');
step(hVideoIn, rgbData);
step(hVideoOut, rgb_Out);
nFrames = nFrames + 1;
'ROI', [1 1 640 480], ...
'ReturnedColorSpace', 'rgb');
optical = vision.OpticalFlow('OutputValue', 'Horizontal and vertical components in complex form');
maxWidth = imaqhwinfo(vidDevice,'MaxWidth');
maxHeight = imaqhwinfo(vidDevice,'MaxHeight');
shapes = vision.ShapeInserter;
shapes.Shape = 'Lines';
shapes.BorderColor = 'Custom';
shapes.CustomBorderColor = [255 0 0];
r = 1:5:maxHeight;
c = 1:5:maxWidth;
[Y, X] = meshgrid(c,r);
hVideoIn = vision.VideoPlayer;
hVideoIn.Name = 'Original Video';
hVideoIn.Position = [30 100 640 480];
hVideoOut = vision.VideoPlayer;
hVideoOut.Name = 'Motion Detected Video';
hVideoOut.Position = [700 100 640 480];
nFrames = 0;
while (nFrames < Inf)
rgbData = step(vidDevice);
optFlow = step(optical,rgb2gray(rgbData));
optFlow_DS = optFlow(r, c);
H = imag(optFlow_DS)*50;
V = real(optFlow_DS)*50;
lines = [Y(:)'; X(:)'; Y(:)'+V(:)'; X(:)'+H(:)'];
rgb_Out = step(shapes, rgbData, lines');
step(hVideoIn, rgbData);
step(hVideoOut, rgb_Out);
nFrames = nFrames + 1;
But after this Ive changed this a little bit and made a different thing,hope you like it.
So the code i got from the above link,well im pasting it here,
Now again use the redbox around the motion
Now perform a mouse click operation whenever a redbox appears in the video,get the code here
So,this is how your computer player will fire or do some other stuff as per game settings
And move the mouse pointer as per box location,code is Here
By this your player will switch it's view,
Now after doing all this,
1.Run your matlab code
2.Minimize the video stream
3.Run the game you want to play
I've tried this with some popular games,like counter strike,IGI
Well this is a very basic idea,you can implement it can also add some keyboard operation for performing other tasks,Keyboard Code here
try it it will definitely work... Thank u